In this issue:


Caravan of exiles and other removals
/ Caravana de exilios y otras mudanzas

This publication has, as its central theme, exile in its different forms, fatal or elected. It is a recurring theme that covers a great part of contemporary literature and other artistic expressions, which are inseparable from tragic accidents of History. In this order, we thought, the words of Mario Vargas Llosa acquire full meaning when he says in the interview published among these pages: “My residencies are changing: Lima, Madrid, London and Paris. What is stable, or rather, what gives great stability to my life is work.” With this issue we reach our first year of life. A brief space in time in which Literal has become worthy of a nomination on behalf of the Maggie Awards in the category of half-yearly publications, in addition to two distinctions awarded by Lone Star Awards, the first in the general magazine category, and the second in the graphic design panel. Pleasant acknowledgements, no doubt, by which we are obliged to remain at the height of our expectations and to expand our horizons.

Consequently and beginning with this issue, Literal. Latin American Voices will have distribution at the national level both in the United States and Mexico. This way, we would like to confirm our original intention of bridging the diverse literary and artistic expressions of Hispanic America and the United States.