Contact Us Literal Magazine

Contact Us Literal Magazine

Las ideas, opiniones y conclusiones expresadas en los artículos son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores. La reproducción parcial o total de los contenidos de esta revista queda absolutamente prohibida ya que son propiedad exclusiva de Literal, Latin American Voices.

Número de Certificado de Reserva otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor: 04-2007-112213571500-102. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: 13932 . Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: 11505. Domicilio de la Publicación: Crestón No. 343 Col. Jardines del Pedregal C. P. 01900, México, D. F.

ISSN Number: ISSN 1551-6962. Federal Tax Exemption No. 45-0479237.

Founder and Director:
Rose Mary Salum
David Medina Portillo


Media & Advertisement Inquiries:
Para anunciarte conéctate con nosotros:

Mailing Address:

Literal, Latin American Voices
5425 Renwick Dr.
Houston, TX 77081


How to Submit

  1. Read Literal. If you want to write for us, get to know our style and content.

  2. Send us a pitch (200-250 words) of the yet-to-be-written article. Tell us where the piece is heading, and make your opinion known.Send your proposal to

  3. If your pitch is accepted, be your own proofreader. If you use names, dates and places in your piece, double-check all facts and spelling. Use one space between sentences.

  4. We also accept poetry submissions. If you have a poem or poems for us to consider  send them to

We prefer submissions as Word attachments. All articles will be edited for length, grammar, content, and style.

Literal retains first publication rights for six months from publication date; after that, reprints may be permitted with written permission.



For all other inquiries, use the form below.


Contact Us Literal Magazine