About Us Literal Magazine
About Us, Literal Magazine
Literal, Latin American Voices, winner of 2 CELJ Awards and 4 Lone Star Awards, offers its pages with a dual purpose: as a forum where the most important Latin American creative expressions converge and as a vehicle for the expression of new voices.
Thus Literal provides a medium for the critique and diffusion of the Latin American literature and art, recognizing its potential strength as a point of departure for understanding that the broad cultural universe is not overshadowed by any single language, but is bathed in the light of a unified spirit.
Literal, voces latinoamericanas,— ganadora de 2 premios CELJ y 4 Lone Star—, tiene un doble propósito: ser un foro donde confluyan las expresiones artísticas latinoamericanas más importantes y, a la vez, abrir un espacio que permita a las nuevas voces encontrar un sitio dónde expresarse.
Así también Literal da cabida a la crítica y difusión del arte latinoamericano en su sentido más generoso, atisbando la posibilidad de convertirse, también, en una voz de referencia obligada para la comprensión del amplio universo cultural que se reúne ahora ya no bajo una misma lengua, sino cobijados a la sombra de un espíritu similar.
ISSN Number: ISSN 1551-6962. Federal Tax Exemption No. 45-0479237.
How to Submit
Read Literal. If you want to write for us, get to know our style and content.
Send us a pitch (200-250 words) of the yet-to-be-written article. Tell us where the piece is heading, and make your opinion known.Send your proposal to info@literalmagazine.com.
If your pitch is accepted, be your own proofreader. If you use names, dates and places in your piece, double-check all facts and spelling. Use one space between sentences.
- We also accept poetry submissions. If you have a poem or poems for us to consider send them to info@literalmagazine.com
- We prefer submissions as Word attachments. All articles will be edited for length, grammar, content, and style.
- Literal retains first publication rights for six months from publication date; after that, reprints may be permitted with written permission. Please, be aware that when you submit your article, you automatically consent to its publication.
About Us, Literal Magazine