Susanna Salonen, best known for her camera work in Run Lola Run (1998), brings a German wave of fresh air to the Austin Film Festival with her new feature Patong…
How do we define mental health? Is there a clear line we must cross before we are considered clinically insane? Australian filmmaker Nick Matthews explores these ideas with his new…
After watching a movie like Hellion (2014), you can only imagine the history and depth that sits behind it. Hellion was written and directed by Texas filmmaker Kat Candler, starring…
For those of you that were unaware of Literal’s debut in the film world with Ensoulment (2013), let me tell you right now: Literal produced a feature documentary last year, and it’s called Ensoulment: A…
Literal tiene el gusto de invitarte a participar en el Programa internacional de escritura creativa en la Ciudad de México . El taller reunirá a escritores de ficción y no…
a Ernesto Salum in memoriam En el origen de las revistas culturales independientes siempre aparece una urgencia, una necesidad que lleva a quienes se reúnen a exclamar: “hagamos una revista”.…