Search Results for: loris simon salum

Patong Girl

Patong Girl

Susanna Salonen, best known for her camera work in Run Lola Run (1998), brings a German wave of fresh air to the Austin Film Festival with her new feature Patong…


After watching a movie like Hellion (2014), you can only imagine the history and depth that sits behind it. Hellion was written and directed by Texas filmmaker Kat Candler, starring…
Patrick Smith: Behind the Scenes

Patrick Smith: Behind the Scenes

For those of you that were unaware of Literal’s debut in the film world with Ensoulment (2013), let me tell you right now: Literal produced a feature documentary last year, and it’s called Ensoulment: A…
Programa internacional de escritura creativa

Programa internacional de escritura creativa

Literal tiene el gusto de invitarte a participar en el Programa internacional de escritura creativa en la Ciudad de México . El taller reunirá a escritores de ficción y no…
Adiós a Literal, saludo a Literal

Adiós a Literal, saludo a Literal

a Ernesto Salum in memoriam En el origen de las revistas culturales independientes siempre aparece una urgencia, una necesidad que lleva a quienes se reúnen a exclamar: “hagamos una revista”.…