Leí Niveles de vida (editorial Anagrama, 2014), de Julian Barnes, durante las cuatro horas que dura un vuelo de Nueva York a México. Escribo esto en el viaje de regreso.…
Emmy-award winning journalist Patricia Gras spoke to Literally Everything about her past trip to Syria and about her thoughts on what is happening after the country's 5th civil war anniversary. You can follow…
On March 13, Manuel Gutierrez organized a symposium titled Mariano Azuela y la narración de lo urgente. Primer centenario de Los de abajo. Among the participants were Maarten Van Delden,…
Have you ever wondered what a Renaissance man would look like in the 21st century? Look no further than Martine Rothblatt. Perhaps best known for founding Sirius satellite radio, she…
En breve: la novela corta en México, de Anadeli Bencomo y Cecilia Eudave (coords.), Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, 2014 Si el siglo XVII suele asociarse con el teatro, el XVIII…
Though principally noted for his role in the movie The Retrieval (2013), Tishuan Scott is a versatile actor that has starred in several movies, from Results to Computer Chess. He…