Art /Arte



El espacio en el arte / el arte en el espacio  (unos cuantos hitos para Guinness) In memoriam Laika, el primer ser vivo en el espacio (Sputnik, 1957) I'm doing…
Adam Wiseman’s Ventanas

Adam Wiseman’s Ventanas

Last week, I talked my husband Francisco into helping me lug a six-foot photograph of someone else’s living room across ten blocks of our Mexico City neighborhood. The photograph had…
La memoria y el olvido

La memoria y el olvido

El pasado 8 de octubre, el Aurora Picture Show, otorgó un reconocimiento al artista colombiano Óscar Muñoz (Popayán, 1951) por su trayectoria en el mundo del arte y sus reflexiones estéticas sobre…
Three Videos by Miguel Ángel Ríos

Three Videos by Miguel Ángel Ríos

In the early 1970s, a small book by Rudolph Arnheim titled Entropy and Art: An Essay on Disorder and Order came into my possession. Prima facie, the notion that entropy…
Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

The Gallery Sonja Roesch recently put together a unique exhibition of sculptural works by John Clement and Mac Whitney. This unique show features sculptors from two different generations whose works…
Al ritmo de Mathias Goeritz

Al ritmo de Mathias Goeritz

Al leer a Parménides García Saldaña los pies empiezan a moverse, unas descubren a su Chica alborotada interior, otras se asumen las novias un poco locas y otros se coronan…
Jesus Moroles,  Sculptor (1950-2015)

Jesus Moroles, Sculptor (1950-2015)

At age sixteen, when most kids are playing ball games, Jesus Moroles was running a prosperous silkscreen business. The Vietnam War interrupted these early artistic endeavors when he was drafted…
FRESH, a Collective Exhibition

FRESH, a Collective Exhibition

Hunter Gather Project put together an exhibition where contemporary artists are reconsidering, re-examining, and pushing traditional printmaking. We asked  the participant artists one question: Fresh focuses on the many different ways…