En las últimas semanas, el precandidato a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha causado más revuelo en medios y redes sociales, que en las últimas tres décadas juntas.…
Jaime Muñoz Vargas es mi escritor de culto en México. A comienzos del año 2000, cuando junto con mi palomilla leímos El principio del terror (Joaquín Mortiz, 1998), quedamos prendados…
Not so long ago, you could have described the job of science and philosophy as the pursuit of truth without anyone even raising an eyebrow. Now, many people believe that…
The arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico has often been compared to the appearance of extraterrestrials (more exactly, extra-terrestrials before the age of science fiction, before we began to imagine…
Literal Publishing , Rice University y P&W se complacen en invitarlos a la presentación y lectura de poemas y lectura dramatizada del libro Blind Spot de Gerardo Cárdenas. Esperamos poder…
Employment amongst millennials: education, politics, a little bit of high school... Literally Everything discusses a recent article by Leah McGrath Goodman on Newsweek about this generation's unemployment in America. Follow us…
Dylan Skone, chef and kitchen manager of The Phoenix on Westheimer, came to Literally Everything with some beer to talk about some of his experiences about brewing. He also brought us…
I was born in Houston Texas while my parents were doing their respective medical residencies, my dad as an anesthesiologist and my mom as a biochemist. But as child I…
Not That Kind Of Girl by Lena Dunham Lena Dunham’s book, Not That Kind of Girl, is a witty and often hilarious collection of personal essays, food journal entries, lists,…
Traducción: Adriana Vega Mackler Original publicado en PEN, 7 de marzo, 2014. Mathan no le había dicho a nadie que era el Ciervo de Oro. ¿A quién podría haberle dicho?…