
Apocalypse 1900 Una película  de Salvador Elizondo

Apocalypse 1900 Una película de Salvador Elizondo

En 2007 Gerardo Villegas, creador del documental El extraño experimento del profesor Elizondo, rescató la única película realizada por Salvador Elizondo: Apocalypse 1900. El filme dura apenas 25 minutos y…


When it comes to film, I like to shed all of my expectations before I enter the theater. This year at the Worldfest-Houston International Film Festival was no exception. I…


Translated to English by Lawrence Schimel. This morning I don't recognize the previous nights. I await my sins. I learn to suspend a scream from a rope and to die…
La huella Björk-Barney

La huella Björk-Barney

Los Cremasters de Matthew Barney tienen “algo” incómodo. Sus personajes son bufones que se mueven en una realidad posmoderna barroca. ¿Existe tal combinación? La respuesta está en esta serie de…
Storytime: The Final Round

Storytime: The Final Round

In the first of a special monthly series, Literally Everything reads The Final Round, a story published in Literal Magazine by Mexican author Eduardo Antonio Parra.
Target in the NIGHT

Target in the NIGHT

It was a cool Sunday afternoon. Men from the farms and estancias from throughout the district lined up against the fence that separated the track from the surrounding houses. A…
FRESH, a Collective Exhibition

FRESH, a Collective Exhibition

Hunter Gather Project put together an exhibition where contemporary artists are reconsidering, re-examining, and pushing traditional printmaking. We asked  the participant artists one question: Fresh focuses on the many different ways…
Blind Spot

Blind Spot

PRÓLOGO. Escena única. Oscuridad total en el escenario. Se escucha un sonsonete, una especie de canto monótono que parece venir del centro de la escena.          …
Unspoken Stories

Unspoken Stories

Mexico is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous countries for journalists. Lise Olsen, Investigative Reporter at the Houston Chronicle, speaks to Literally Everything about the crimes against reporters in Mexico. She…
Two Poems

Two Poems
Dos poemas de Nathalie Handal

Kilyoum* No hay lengua verdadera que tenga el centro intacto. César Vallejo I have a country it’s invisible it has no flag or moonlight no river or mountain no clouds…
The Truth About Lying

The Truth About Lying

Have you lied to anyone lately? Before you rush to say no, think of the details from your day. Perhaps you texted someone saying you were on your way, when…