Tanya Huntington

Interpretar a Mary

Interpretar a Mary

Después de una larga ausencia del escenario, emprendí este verano la gran aventura de interpretar el papel de Mary Tyrone en una producción del Largo viaje hacia la noche que…
 Platillos líricos

Platillos líricos

El descubrimiento del homo sapiens más antiguo conocido hasta la fecha —un ancestro de Marruecos, que rompió el récord anterior con un margen sustancial de cinco ceros— me recordó cuando…
Antes, de Mónica Maristain

Antes, de Mónica Maristain

"Qué culpa tiene el aire cuando todo alrededor grita" es una pregunta que formula Mónica Maristain sobre los sonidos encontrados en su más reciente poemario titulado Antes, coeditado por Literal…
What’s In A Wall?

What’s In A Wall?

In a philosophical dialogue that describes our reality as something that goes on inside a cave, Plato suggested our perception is as limited as that of prisoners in chains, staring…
That Mexican Thing

That Mexican Thing

What does Mexico mean to the average US citizen? Jumping beans? Speedy González? The lovely señorita from the Corona beer tray, perhaps? Does it conjure up the image of the…
Adam Wiseman’s Ventanas

Adam Wiseman’s Ventanas

Last week, I talked my husband Francisco into helping me lug a six-foot photograph of someone else’s living room across ten blocks of our Mexico City neighborhood. The photograph had…


Last week during a radio interview, the eminent literary critic Christopher Domínguez Michael postulated that if the present globalizing trend continues, within fifteen years or so we may not even…
Mexico City: The End is Near

Mexico City: The End is Near

Years ago, my fiancé from Mexico accompanied me on a road trip to explore my remote origins in the heartland of the United States. As we drove along the interstate,…