Current Events /Actualized

Current Events
El caso Carmen Aristegui-MVS

El caso Carmen Aristegui-MVS

Tras una serie de conflictos ventilados públicamente, el pasado 19 de marzo Noticias MVS dio por concluido su vínculo laboral con Carmen Aristegui y su equipo. Tal ruptura acontece en…
Current Events
Mexico As Seen From Mexico

Mexico As Seen From Mexico

Translated by Tanya Huntington In Battles in the Desert, one of the best novels about growing up in my country and beyond a doubt, one of the most widely read…
Current Events
An Author’s Rights.

An Author’s Rights.

"You are the books you have read, the paintings you have seen, the music heard and then forgotten, the streets explored. You are your childhood, your family, selected friends, a…
Current Events
A Yanqui in Havana

A Yanqui in Havana

When I learned the US was relaxing travel restrictions to Cuba, I couldn’t help but recall one of many jokes that were making the rounds on the island when I…
Current Events
Nos puede salvar la lucidez

Nos puede salvar la lucidez

Con una amplia trayectoria desarrollada en ámbitos diferentes, pero siempre con coherencia, Juan Bufill (Barcelona, 1955) fue el guionista y creador de “Arsenal”, el emblemático programa de TV3 (Televisió de…