Current Events /Actualized

Current Events
Two Countries

Two Countries

Translated by Tanya Huntington Sabina Berman gave the following keynote speech before members of the PEN Club in New York on April 27, 2016 during this year's literature festival dedicated…
Current Events
Does Evil Exist?

Does Evil Exist?

In ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ (1898), the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy portrays a fictional city grown decadent in times of plenty, where one and all almost eagerly look forward to…
Current Events
Trump, Made in América

Trump, Made in América

La masa arrolla todo lo diferente, egregio, individual, calificado y selecto. Quien no sea como todo el mundo, quien no piense como todo el mundo, corre el riesgo de ser…
Current Events
The tall tale of justice

The tall tale of justice

English translation by Tanya Huntington Over the past few days, we have watched an elaborate, deliberate, appalling story unfold on the vast majority of Mexico’s media and social networks. The…
Current Events
Los mejores libros del 2015

Los mejores libros del 2015

En esta ocasión, consultamos con diversos escritores y colaboradores de Literal para que nos enviaran una lista de los mejores títulos del 2015 según el criterio de cada uno. Estos fueron los libros…