Translated to English by Steven J. Stewart and Patrck Madden Eduardo Milán was born in Rivera, Uruguay in 1952. His mother died when he was a year old, and when…
Translated to English by Sharon Kerr and Marisela Chaplin Isaac Goldemberg was born in Peru in 1945 and has lived in New York since 1964. He has published three novels,…
Translated to English by Angela McEwan With the publication of El cielo que me escribe (Mexico, 2002), Miguel Ángel Zapata has become a needed and innovative presence in the new…
Nick Kanellos is a hero—es un héroe, un salvavidas—he saved that which was disappearing beneath the waves of neglect and prejudice. He jumped into the shark-infested waters of publishing and…
Carmen Boullosa (México, 1954) es poeta, novelista y dramaturga. Sus novelas han sido traducidas a varios idiomas. En 1989 recibió el Premio Xavier Villaurrutia por Antes (novela), La salvaja (poesía) y Papeles irresponsables (varia invención), publicados…
La austeridad en la narrativa de Rodrigo Rey Rosa (Guatemala, 1958) ha sido un camino ganado a través del oficio. La llaneza y precisión que caracterizan sus novelas (El cojo…
La Sandra asked me to come on this trip to Spain with her, as she was feeling a tad nervous about giving interviews and readings in the Spanish of Cervantes.…
...quizás el arte de leer poesía, que obliga a la introspección, a la reflexión, sea menos corriente ahora. Pienso que mucha gente ha perdido la costumbre de recorrer su paisaje…
Translated to English by Tanya Huntington Hyde During the fall of 2007, when Carlos Monsiváis visited Houston, Anadeli Bencomo had the opportunity to talk to the author for Literal Anadeli Bencomo:…