Literature /literatura
Reviews /RESEÑAS

A Corner of the World

A Corner of the World

Title: A Corner of the World Author:  Mylene Fernández-Pintado Publisher House: City Lights Although Mylene Fernández-Pintado’s A Corner of the World has often been called a story about love, it fails…
Not That Kind of Girl

Not That Kind of Girl

Not That Kind Of Girl by Lena Dunham Lena Dunham’s book, Not That Kind of Girl, is a witty and often hilarious collection of personal essays, food journal entries, lists,…
Midnight in Mexico

Midnight in Mexico

Midnight in Mexico: A Reporter’s Journey Through A Country’s Descent into Darkness By Alfredo Corchado In Mexico, where the drug cartels are so powerful and pervasive, no one is immune to…
Memoria y tecnología

Memoria y tecnología

Autor: Alejandro Zambra, Título: Mis documentos, Editorial: Anagrama, Ciudad: Barcelona, 2014   “La clase media es un problema si se quiere escribir literatura latinoamericana”, piensa uno de los personajes del…
Y Cuba… ¿hasta dónde llega?

Y Cuba… ¿hasta dónde llega?

Según ha dicho Porter Allen, de manera rápida y entendible, el Caribe llega hasta donde suenan las maracas… Y es posible coincidir o no con el axioma, pero lo que…
Remarks on an Unlikely Angelology

Remarks on an Unlikely Angelology

Mr. Angel (2013) is an award-winning documentary by Dan Hunt. From the title one would expect it to be about a religious theme. Quite the contrary, it is about a…
A Thousand Forests in One Acorn

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn: An Anthology of Spanish-Language Fiction Edited by Valerie Miles The seed for A Thousand Forests in One Acorn: An Anthology of Spanish-Language Fiction was…
Va verdad de Antonio Méndez Rubio

Va verdad de Antonio Méndez Rubio

Una subjetividad se produce donde el viviente, encontrando el lenguaje y poniéndose en juego en él sin reservas, exhibe en un gesto su irreductibilidad a él. Todo el resto es…
A Distant Father*

A Distant Father*

Title: A Distant Father Author:  Antonio Skármeta Publisher House. Other Press   A Distant Father by Antonio Skármeta is a short novel deeply concerned with questions of absence: fragmented relationships, veiled…