Search Results for: Greg Walklin

Blood Red by Gabriela Ponce

Blood Red by Gabriela Ponce

Blood Red By Gabriela Ponce Restless Press Translated by Sarah Booker In writing her first novel, Gabriela Ponce must have known it would have been impossible to stage. Ponce, a…
Chilean Poet

Chilean Poet

Chilean Poet Alejandro Zambra Translated by Megan McDowell Published by Viking   If you Google Alejandro Zambra, the first thing that comes up, beneath his name and next to a…
Martha Batiz´s No Stars in the Sky

Martha Batiz´s No Stars in the Sky

Partway through the short story “Broken,” early on in Martha Batiz’s new story collection, an unbearably sad thing happens. Adela, whose daughter, Alma, has disappeared, spends most of her time…
Code of Silence

Code of Silence

In his 2015 year-end report, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote about the federal judiciary’s approach toward technological change. “The courts will always be prudent,” he wrote, “whenever it comes to…
Variations on the Body by María Ospina

Variations on the Body by María Ospina

“With her firm, fleshy hand, Martica pressed Mirla’s fingers to her groin.” So begins, arrestingly, the final story of María Ospina’s fiction collection, Variations on the Body.  Martica’s direction, soon…
Daughter by Ana María Shua

Daughter by Ana María Shua

After years of scrupulously employing various forms of contraception, Esmé desires a child. She and her husband, Guido, having returned to Buenos Aires from Paris, try for a baby, but…
The Most Fragile Objects

The Most Fragile Objects

The Most Fragile Objects by Alberto Chimal, English translation by George Henson “To need to dominate others,” wrote Fernando Pessoa, "is to need others. The commander is the dependent.”  It’s…
A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son Review

A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son Review

Not many authors—especially those still living—have a library named after them.  But if you're in El Paso, you’ll see, along Alameda Avenue, the Sergio Troncoso branch of the El Paso…
Meteor, CM Mayo

Meteor, CM Mayo

*Published by Gival Press, 2019 $15 C.M. Mayo is a prolific English translator of contemporary Mexican literature. While she is originally from Texas, she has long made her home in…
Don’t Send Flowers

Don’t Send Flowers

Toward the end of Don't Send Flowers, the police chief of La Eternidad describes his mission succinctly: "I’m going to enforce the law," he says. "Even if that law is…