Search Results for: tanya huntington

That Mexican Thing

That Mexican Thing

What does Mexico mean to the average US citizen? Jumping beans? Speedy González? The lovely señorita from the Corona beer tray, perhaps? Does it conjure up the image of the…
To Vacate One’s Own Skin

To Vacate One’s Own Skin
Deshabitar la propia piel

English translation by Tanya Huntington To vacate one’s own skin, to abandon it, thoughtlessly forgotten as it were, draped on the back of any given chair,             perhaps over there,…
Two Countries

Two Countries

Translated by Tanya Huntington Sabina Berman gave the following keynote speech before members of the PEN Club in New York on April 27, 2016 during this year's literature festival dedicated…
Marianne Moore en Cuernavaca

Marianne Moore en Cuernavaca

Pura López Colomé; Imperfecta semejanza (UNAM, 2016) A estas alturas de nuestra existencia post-babélica, ya todo el mundo sabe que no hay que confiar en los traductores. Pero lo que…
Adam Wiseman’s Ventanas

Adam Wiseman’s Ventanas

Last week, I talked my husband Francisco into helping me lug a six-foot photograph of someone else’s living room across ten blocks of our Mexico City neighborhood. The photograph had…
The tall tale of justice

The tall tale of justice

English translation by Tanya Huntington Over the past few days, we have watched an elaborate, deliberate, appalling story unfold on the vast majority of Mexico’s media and social networks. The…
Los mejores libros del 2015

Los mejores libros del 2015

En esta ocasión, consultamos con diversos escritores y colaboradores de Literal para que nos enviaran una lista de los mejores títulos del 2015 según el criterio de cada uno. Estos fueron los libros…


Translated by Tanya Huntington There had always been sibling rivalry between Jacco and me. He was ten years older, which meant that from the time we were children, he was…