Search Results for: tanya huntington

Suspend in Motion

Suspend in Motion

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Tanya Huntington  is a contributing writer at Literal. Follow her on Twitter at @TanyaHuntington.
Do It Yourself

Do It Yourself

Translated by Tanya Huntington-Hyde Goddamn crab! Once its bluish, armored body had emerged from the marshy waters, it glared at me with its buggy, jet black eyes and in a…
Back Seat

Back Seat

MONTE ALBÁN Those of us born in the age of television have forgotten how to speak of trees. Like this one I am lying under now instead of touring bas-reliefs…
Two Poems

Two Poems
Dos Poemas

Translated to English by Tanya Huntington I have forgotten the name of things. In the midst of circuits, babbling a few words without meaning I seek the exact drawer in…
Pitol Is and Is Not Mexican: About El mago de Viena

Pitol Is and Is Not Mexican: About El mago de Viena

Up until recently Sergio Pitol (Puebla, 1933) was one of the best-kept secrets in Mexican literature. However, the recent announcement that he has been awarded the Premio Cervantes—perhaps the most…
Official Gigantomachia

Official Gigantomachia
La gigantomaquia oficial

Translated to English by Tanya Huntington Hyde During the fall of 2007, when Carlos Monsiváis visited Houston, Anadeli Bencomo had the opportunity to talk to the author for Literal  Anadeli Bencomo:…