Search Results for: tanya huntington

Mexico As Seen From Mexico

Mexico As Seen From Mexico

Translated by Tanya Huntington In Battles in the Desert, one of the best novels about growing up in my country and beyond a doubt, one of the most widely read…
An Author’s Rights.

An Author’s Rights.

"You are the books you have read, the paintings you have seen, the music heard and then forgotten, the streets explored. You are your childhood, your family, selected friends, a…
"El Fisgón" conversa con Literal

"El Fisgón" conversa con Literal

Rafael Barajas, mejor conocido como “El Fisgón”, es uno de los caricaturistas políticos e ilustradores más célebres de México. Su obra aparece publicada en el diario La Jornada. Sus libros más recientes, Narcotráfico…
A Yanqui in Havana

A Yanqui in Havana

When I learned the US was relaxing travel restrictions to Cuba, I couldn’t help but recall one of many jokes that were making the rounds on the island when I…
The Final Round

The Final Round

Translation by Tanya Huntington We knew him to be capable of serious damage. But we never could have imagined how far he would go. He was considered a local, since…
Literal: Ten Years Later

Literal: Ten Years Later
A diez años de Literal

Translated by Tanya Huntington We are celebrating our first ten years here at Literal, an anniversary that has arrived accompanied by various changes. The most evident has manifested itself as…
Adiós a Literal, saludo a Literal

Adiós a Literal, saludo a Literal

a Ernesto Salum in memoriam En el origen de las revistas culturales independientes siempre aparece una urgencia, una necesidad que lleva a quienes se reúnen a exclamar: “hagamos una revista”.…
Escritores hablan sobre Ayotzinapa

Escritores hablan sobre Ayotzinapa

La petición es simple: queremos justicia. Justicia para los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos y para sus familias. Justicia para los otros miles de personas cuyo paradero se desconoce desde la década…
Melanie Smith: The Absent Body

Melanie Smith: The Absent Body

Melanie Smith Tanya Huntington: Let’s start with the theme of the expatriate. It’s always difficult when you position yourself outside of your native context, simply because the world of criticism…
Three Forms of Mexican Fiction

Three Forms of Mexican Fiction

                 English translation by Tanya Huntington They are not made from the same stuff as lies, although they do employ some of the…