Art /Arte

The Poetics of Systems

The Poetics of Systems

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Dieter Balzer has developed his own modular system that allows for multiple combinations of identical elements. In this system, the elements relate to one another in such a…
The City as Obsessed: Phil Kelly

The City as Obsessed: Phil Kelly

A Paint Reads a City Download Complete PDF / Descargar Not long ago, while sitting in an outdoor café a couple of blocks from the Alameda of Santa María la Ribera, painter…
Words and Things: Rosana Ricalde

Words and Things: Rosana Ricalde
Las palabras y las cosas

Traducción de Anahí Ramírez Alfaro Time Changes Everything Other authors have noticed that in Rosana Ricalde’s work, the instability between verbal syntax and visual structure expounds the image to the limit of the receiver’s…
Word´s Vibrate

Word´s Vibrate

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Soledad Arias’ work deals with the material and immaterial aspects and the impact of words. The white neon signs are like ghosts of lingering thoughts that seem to…
La mirada incómoda

La mirada incómoda

Download Complete PDF / Descargar En el dibujo y la pintura de Roberto Rébora destacan sus conocimientos técnicos y el vigor expresivo de sus temas y materiales. El contenido de sus imágenes está…