Art /Arte

The Book Project

The Book Project

Download Complete PDF / Descargar In The Book Project, Cara Barer proceeded to transform a hodgepodge of volumes into pieces of sculptural beauty. In doing so, she presents a different take on the handmade…
The Work of Mexican Artist Gabriel Kuri

The Work of Mexican Artist Gabriel Kuri

Download Complete PDF / Descargar It was Jean Baudrillard who said, “It is a world completely rotten with wealth, power, senility, indifference, puritanism and mental hygiene, poverty and waste, technological futility and…
Present Tense

Present Tense

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Images courtesy of MoMA.  
Suspend in Motion

Suspend in Motion

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Tanya Huntington  is a contributing writer at Literal. Follow her on Twitter at @TanyaHuntington.
Power and Painting

Power and Painting
Pintura y poder

Mexico has historically been a rich laboratory to study the linkages between art and politics. For good or bad, political art is probably the best known Mexican art outside of…
León Darío Peláez: Días de comunión

León Darío Peláez: Días de comunión

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Serie fotográfica que, bajo el título de Mi Primera Comunión, forma parte de Territorios ajenos, uno de los proyectos editoriales que Pubicaciones Semana (Santa Fe,…
Encrucijadas. Entre palabra y arte

Encrucijadas. Entre palabra y arte

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Literatura y arte, dos lenguajes que se entrecruzan, se imbrican o se oponen. Toda relación está mediatizada por el lenguaje. Transformar el entorno en signos,…