Art /Arte

The Art of the War

The Art of the War

Download Complete PDF / Descargar “There are only five musical notes, but melodies are so many we cannot possibly hear them all.” - Sun Tzu War has been a theme…
Lies Serie

Lies Serie

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Photography courtesy of De Santos Gallery of Houston.   lies: cityscape 2. pigment print on archival watercolor paper, edition of 3, 2005   lies: east…
Writing with Clay

Writing with Clay
Escribir con tierra

Translated to English by Beth Pollack ONE DOESN’T DO WHAT ONE WANTS BUT WHAT ONE CAN. The earthenware I’ve made over the last 30 years is not what I originally…
Plano ambivalente

Plano ambivalente

Download PDF / Descargar Para mí, la fotografía artística es como una jornada en la que el objeto cambia su subjetividad, pasando de un estado original de totalidad a un…
Xul Solar, Vanguardista esotérico

Xul Solar, Vanguardista esotérico

  Download PDF/ Descargar No hay suficiente amor y bondad en el mundo como para que nos permitamos dárselos a seres imaginarios. Friedrich Nietzsche, Humano, demasiado humano   La exposición Xul…
The Ideology of Color

The Ideology of Color

Download Complete PDF / Descargar Many of the works of The Ideology of Color arose from Texas ́ history class when one of my Mexican students of Native-American descendance asked…