Literature /literatura
Fiction /ficción

Nothing New Here

Nothing New Here
Aquí no hay novedad

 English translation by Michael Parker-Stainback The last thing I remember about Houston is that I’m running naked in front of that building at 3700 Montrose Boulevard and 1000 Marshall Street.…
Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields
Campo de fresas

English translation by Michael Parker-Stainback The night my father was dying in the hospital, I was cleaning a cat litter box. At least I like thinking that at the very…
Autoethnography With The Other

Autoethnography With The Other

Translated to English by Francisca González Arias 1. Contact zone     The man never said his name. Perhaps he didn't know it or perhaps he had decided to hide…
Los más felices

Los más felices

Excitada la curiosidad de Creso por este discurso de Solón, le preguntó de nuevo a quién consideraba después de Tello segundo entre los felices, no dudando que al menos este…
Florencia in Havana

Florencia in Havana

Translated to English by Tanya Huntington Many moons ago, when Florencia met Fidel Castro at a film festival in Havana, she almost fainted. The Stallion, as his subjects called him,…
La Aventura de Antonioni.

La Aventura de Antonioni.

¿Le gusta el vacío dejado por Bellatin? No deje que la sociedad lo corrompa. Siento el deseo de informar que no es la primera vez que estoy en el fin…
Poetics of Wonder: Passage to Mogador

Poetics of Wonder: Passage to Mogador

*Chapter VII: On Libraries and  Those Who Inhabit Them   Translated by Rhonda Buchanan Image by Caterina Camastra Introduction             In 1975, the Mexican writer Alberto Ruy Sánchez was a graduate…
Las lunas de júpiter

Las lunas de júpiter

  Encontré a mi padre en el ala de cardiología, en el octavo piso del Hospital General de Toronto. Estaba en una habitación semiprivada. La otra cama estaba vacía. Dijo…
El rapto del fuego

El rapto del fuego

Traducción de Christina Stephano de Queiroz  La noche era la del 6 de febrero de 1602. El lugar, la punta del Cururumbabo, capitanía del Porto Seguro, en la zona de una…
La marca

La marca

  Every terrain has its secret. Every forlorn family circus this high in el cerro knows the secret of a slanted, odd shaped lot in Pueblo Nuevo.  How to set…
On Libraries and Those Who Inhabit Them

On Libraries and Those Who Inhabit Them

 Translated by Rhonda Buchanan Picture by© Patrick-Gherdoussi  * "On Libraries and Those Who Inhabit Them" belongs to the book Poetics of Wonder, also translated by Rhonda Buchanan Introduction             In 1975, the…