Literature /literatura
Film /cine

Bestia de Cardo

Bestia de Cardo

Cardo, un pueblo de República Dominicana sumido en la oscuridad. Un árbol familiar dividido. Una mujer joven, Moira (Sánchez Moreno), regresa a una ciudad que brilla en medio de las…
Taking It Back

Taking It Back

Taking It Back (2014), written and directed by Austrian filmmaker Andreas Schmied, is an unusual romantic comedy. Patrick Angerer (Michael Ostrowski) is one of many workers protesting at the Falkendorf…
Patong Girl

Patong Girl

Susanna Salonen, best known for her camera work in Run Lola Run (1998), brings a German wave of fresh air to the Austin Film Festival with her new feature Patong…


After watching a movie like Hellion (2014), you can only imagine the history and depth that sits behind it. Hellion was written and directed by Texas filmmaker Kat Candler, starring…
Patrick Smith: Behind the Scenes

Patrick Smith: Behind the Scenes

For those of you that were unaware of Literal’s debut in the film world with Ensoulment (2013), let me tell you right now: Literal produced a feature documentary last year, and it’s called Ensoulment: A…
Whitten on Waves

Whitten on Waves

Diana Whitten's debut film, Vessel (2014), covers the story of Rebecca Gomperts, an unusual doctor that lives at sea. "Why would she live at sea?" You may ask. Well, Gomperts's…
Lopez, Tweel and Klein Printed the Legend

Lopez, Tweel and Klein Printed the Legend

When I first heard about Print the Legend (2014), I thought I was going to go see a documentary about 3D printing, about this new technology that will take over the…
Ornana, Remember That

Ornana, Remember That

One of the best parts about SxSw this year was enjoying Ornana’s animated bumpers before each film. I kept reminding myself to write down the name, Ornana; I had to…
Kelly, Cal & Amy Lowe Starbin

Kelly, Cal & Amy Lowe Starbin

Explosions and zombie movies are fun to watch from time to time, but sometimes it’s nice to connect with characters and see our lives reflected onto the screen. This is…
A Conversation with Michael Tully

A Conversation with Michael Tully

Michael Tully, writer, film enthusiast and filmmaker, recently premiered his 3rd feature, Ping Pong Summer at Sundance this year, a blast from the past for the 80’s nostalgic crowd and…