Current Events /Actualized
Breaking Down a Scene Visually with Larry McKee
In this course you will learn how lens choices and lighting design can help you tell your story more effectively. Emmy Award winning cinematographer Larry Mckee has worked with the…
“Animation – Not Just For Kids” with Patrick Smith
In this workshop, you will learn about different animation techniques and how they are represented in real life contexts. An event not to miss! Independent Animator Patrick Smith is known…
Presentación del poemario “Antes” de Mónica Maristain
Te esperamos el 23 de mayo a las 19:00 hrs. en Casa del Poeta
Theater of Operations
"Where other poets celebrate unity with the landscape, Lukin notes the absent fronds, the pain of the cut trees, the constant work in the open, and in that vacant place…
José Revueltas, una ontología carcelaria. Los relatos de Lecumberri
Literal Publishing tiene el gusto de invitarte a las actividades organizadas por el lanzamiento de su más reciente título: José Revueltas, una ontología carcelaria. Los relatos de Lecumberri del autor…
Warm Wishes During This Holiday Season
Los mejores deseos para nuestros lectores
At Literal, we've always felt that the arts are essential as a means of building compassion and affinity with others. Moreover, the arts have the capacity to unveil enduring truths. We thank…
El viernes 2 de diciembre, en el marco de la FIL de Guadalajara, Mónica Maristain estará firmando su más reciente poemario Antes en el stand JJ7 del área internacional a partir de las 17:00hrs.…
In vía, in patria
De la ciudad de Colón a Varadero, descubre entonces que hay la misma distancia e íntima reverberación que de Tikal a Antigua, de Córdoba a Fez, del Yumurí al Sena…
Sophie La Belle
"Gisela Heffes is the heiress to the magical metafictions of Italo Calvino and the labyrinthine artistry of Jorge Luis Borges. In Sophie La Belle and the Miniature Cities, Heffes has…
My Husband´s Woman
“Escribir es traducir,” says Alicia Borinsky as we pore over my translations of her book La mujer de mi marido in a Buenos Aires cafe. I hear Paul Valéry’s echo…
Debris by David Miklos
Literal Publishing has announced the dates for the upcoming book tour for Debris, the novel by David Miklos . The American born author has just released his first book in English language and will visit…