Art /Arte

Heaps of Language

Heaps of Language

Ecstatic Alphabets is a group exhibition that has put together 12 contemporary artists. Their work include poem/objects, and concrete language experiments that dates to the beginnings of modernism,  and includes both…
Kinderwunsch (niños y deseo)

Kinderwunsch (niños y deseo)

El desarrollo de Kinderwunsch comprende un largo periodo de tiempo y la selección que aquí presento es una pequeña parte del proyecto. A lo largo del último año también he…
A Life Involved (Part I)

A Life Involved (Part I)

Part I: Read between the lines  People in the world of photography —from Buenos Aires to Beijing— are familiar with Wendy Watriss. Most of them know her and her lifetime partner,…
A Life Involved (Part II)

A Life Involved (Part II)

Part II: A completely foreign country  After her adventurous African journey in 1970 Wendy Watriss came back to New York to publish her stories and photographs. There she met Frederick…
Pedro Meyer: Street Photography

Pedro Meyer: Street Photography

Pedro Meyer: Reverse Exoticism Download Complete PDF / Descargar Pedro Meyer’s contribution to photography is not only stricto sensu photographic. Meyer was the founder of the Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía, one of the…
Ana Serrano: Salon of Beauty

Ana Serrano: Salon of Beauty

Judging a Neighborhood by Cover: Salon of Beauty by Ana Serrano Download Complete PDF / Descargar Ana Serrano’s latest work Salon of Beauty replicates the eclectic and funky buildings, façades and signage typically found…
Graciela Hasper: The Animated Forms

Graciela Hasper: The Animated Forms

Graciela Hasper: Abstract Geometries, Color, and Public Space Download Complete PDF / Descargar The ongoing dialog surrounding abstraction in painting has kept up with, if not surpassed, the equally never-ending polemics about the end…