Search Results for: tanya huntington

Melanie Smith: The Absent Body

Melanie Smith: The Absent Body

Melanie Smith Tanya Huntington: Let’s start with the theme of the expatriate. It’s always difficult when you position yourself outside of your native context, simply because the world of criticism…
Three Forms of Mexican Fiction

Three Forms of Mexican Fiction

                 English translation by Tanya Huntington They are not made from the same stuff as lies, although they do employ some of the…
Homo burocraticus

Homo burocraticus

Javier Lasarte Puesto en abismo No entiendo por qué la gente la tiene tomada contra eso que con sumo desprecio artistas y poetas llaman “buRRocracia”. Quizás, digo, porque se niegan…
Elegía con epílogo

Elegía con epílogo

Autor: Carlos Azar Manzur Título: El círculo de la presencia. Poemario en dos actos y un epílogo a la muerte de mi padre Editorial: Elefanta, México Año: 2014 Más allá de…
Florencia in Havana

Florencia in Havana

Translated to English by Tanya Huntington Many moons ago, when Florencia met Fidel Castro at a film festival in Havana, she almost fainted. The Stallion, as his subjects called him,…
Maverick 71

Maverick 71

Translated to English by Tanya HuntngtonTranslated to English by Tanya Huntington
Nor Space, Nor Time

Nor Space, Nor Time

Pedro Tyler Translated to English by Tanya Huntington Rose Mary Salum: From the start of your career, the concept of what can be gauged, or how to measure the immeasurable,…