Pensar es un hecho revolucionario
Lorís Simón Salum
Marie Orensanz, artista visual argentina, comparte con nosotros su más reciente trabajo: A Path to Share. Recientemente expuso en la Galería Sicardi donde tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con ella.
Lorís Simón Salum is a psychotherapist in private practice in Houston, TX. She is the author of Ensoulment: Exploring the Feminine Principle in Western Culture (2016), as well as the film director of the multi award-winning documentary Ensoulment: A Diverse Analysis of the Feminine in Western Culture (2013). She was the Creative Director for Literal Magazine for over 10 years. Some of her projects included Literally Short Film Festival, Literal’s short international film festival, and Literally Everything, Literal’s podcast. You can find her at www.lorissimon.com.
Posted: May 4, 2015 at 11:05 pm