Literature /literatura
Poetry /poesía



Sleepchains Who can sleep when she— hundreds of miles away I feel that vast breath fan her restless decks. Cicatrice by cicatrice all the links rattle once. Here we go…
Three Poems

Three Poems

SANDS OF SILENCE I carry deserts within, the warm sands of silence. Edmond Jabès 1. I hold the memory of a name on the tip of my tongue, which is…
You Just Don’t Talk About It

You Just Don’t Talk About It

Open as the leaf as the sidewalk as the tear & the iris as the casket upon visitation as the door when the twig school opens as the tongue that…
Decir otro lugar

Decir otro lugar

Coopera conmigo y aplaza todas las palabras que no digan nada. Pon sobre esta superficie las más logradas, retén tu silencio que ahora mismo estoy escarbando mi lengua para decirte…


San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala TV reporter: a black suit bites into him at the shoulders, arms and waist. Stalk of the microphone sways between the hospital bed pillow of the…
La arena del silencio

La arena del silencio

Llevo dentro de mí los desiertos, la arena caliente del silencio. Edmond Jabès 1. Tengo el recuerdo de un nombre en la punta de la lengua, por eso exploro las…
Two Poems

Two Poems

English translation by Tanya Huntington Jonah The word fish wriggles its way deep into the river. And now, on my command, it bites into another fish there, in the dark.…
Dos poemas

Dos poemas

pandemia pero llegó tu waterloo: y el mío: 1980: rock hudson estremece la tevé —las redes sociales eran cosa del futuro— y, como todo santo cuando se le necesita, tú…
Five Poems

Five Poems
Cinco poemas

Translation by Melanie Márquez Adams MARROW Havana reverberates, resists,         bursting through the cobblestones. Light years, I sense a galaxy of infant stars.        …