Publicada en edición bilingüe, inglés y francés, Dix raisons (posibles) à la tristesse de la pensée es una obra de síntesis y reflexión y casi un testamento intelectual. El ensayo…
In the memory of Eduard Delgado, the Director of Interarts, who lost his battle against cancer in 2002. In 1979, when I was the only yanqui working at the recently…
As an American, Mexico is becoming familiar—not because of the migration of Mexican people to the United States, or the influence they have had on our culture, as we are…
La utopía capitalista occidental ha afirmado que el triunfo es suyo y que gobernará el mundo para rato, si no es que para siempre y que la cultura occidental es…
Desde el surgimiento como nación independiente y, más específicamente, desde su arribo a partir de la Segunda Guerra mundial como la mayor potencia, existe una escisión interna que atraviesa a…
Apparently, what happened to us was the same thing that happens to those kids who really shine during adolescence, in high school. They’re so active and brilliant at that age…
Octavio Paz was no stranger to controversy. The target of often harsh attacks by his enemies—in particular for his political view— Paz did not shy away from engaging in robust…
In his Nobel lecture, entitled “In Search of the Present,” Octavio Paz challenges us to find a new “philosophy of the present,” essentially by rediscovering some of the great…
El diccionario de la RAE dice que rizoma es un “tallo horizontal y subterráneo, como el del lirio común” (volumen II, p. 1979). Está en boga el pensamiento digresivo, el…
Translated to English by Tanya Huntington In 1940 Mexico was already a very different nation than in 1910, but its image remained crystallized, to such an extent that it has…
Soy el tercero, contando de izquierda a derecha. El de las barbas y bigote blanco, que con ese gesto tan fiero parece oligarca de la dictadura que tiene sojuzgado a…