An asthma crisis prevented me from going out and measuring directly in the streets the level of national enthusiasm or indignation. I wasn’t around any of the innumerable street parties…
The other day I fell prey to a dreadful thought: the more the 21st century moves forward, the less people there will be who’ve known the world without internet and…
Dear Anna and Phoebe, A few weeks ago, a friend and I went to the National Gallery in London to see a picture. Only the one, very specific, about which…
Delirium I’m sitting at The Whittington Stone pub in north London, watching the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth II after the religious service at Westminster’s Abbey. The cortege has just…
From the day before I went on holiday this summer, I didn’t want to watch the news. I had the firm resolve to disconnect from any source of stress and…
Up to some eight thousand years ago, Great Britain was still joined to that which would become an expression of its strangeness once it became an island: the continent. I…
Nothing like the threat of an all-inclusive third world war (i.e., with nuclear weapons) to make a deadly and devastating pandemic seem almost insignificant. The human mind is odd. Its…
Pendant que les fonds publics s’ecoulent en fêtes de fraternité, il sonne une cloche de feu rose dans les nuages. Arthur Rimbaud Last year I applied for a grant…
Empecé a escribir mi novela Ciudad doliente de Dios (Alfaguara/UNAM, 2018) en 1997. Una escena apenas, ideas vagas que se concretaron en un primer borrador al año siguiente, durante una…
La llegada del otoño se anuncia con majestad. La luz es distinta. El aire. Es el rostro benigno de la melancolía. Esa luz, su centelleo, imperceptible a la vista pero…
Identifíquese usted Recientemente, al inicio de un taller en línea a través de Zoom, escuché, consternada, a una de las organizadoras “invitarnos” a poner junto a nuestro nombre en la…