Our Conversations with the Filmmakers
Literal is the proud sponsor and supporter of Literally Short Film Festival (JUNE 3-17, 2020) which is now live! So don´t miss these extraordinary short films.
Here are the conversations we´ve had with the directors. A real treat for us and for our audience. This is a great opportunity to get to know them (and their work) better. To watch the Festival from Vimeo on Demand click here Enjoy!………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ya´Ke Smith. Director of Edwin, USA
Patrick Smith. Director of Beyond Noh, USA
Daniela López Lugo. Director of El milagro, Chile
Fabien Ara, Director of Fairyoceous, France
Alejandro Zuno. Director of Open the Earth, Mexico
Andrew Krakower. Director of Yarne, Nepal/USA
Matisse Gonzalez. Director of Gravity, Germany/Bolivia
Marcos Almeda Rivero. Director of March of the Missing. Mexico
Ben Ried & Tibo Travers. Director & Producer of Innocence. UK
Aycil Yeltan. Director of Topanga, Turkey/USA
Jöelle Bentolila. Director of Starboy, UK
Koya Kamura. Director of Homesick, Japan
Luis Felipe Montoya. The Size of Things, Colombia
Matt Lennon. Kids These Days. Texas
©Literal Publishing
Posted: June 7, 2020 at 9:58 pm