Search Results for: American Dirt

Thoughts on American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins

Thoughts on American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins

At the time of this writing, it’s been three days since the release of American Dirt, dubbed in my Advance Review Copy “the most anticipated book of 2020”. I will…
The New American

The New American

The Train May 10, 2012 Here is a god more powerful than I am who, coming, will rule over me. Dante Alighieri, La Vita Nuova He is on the bus.…
La Gran Novela Mexicana

La Gran Novela Mexicana

Ya no encuentro el tuit, pero les juro que lo leí hace no tanto tiempo. En él, una persona aseguraba que el libro que acababa de terminar sería la Gran…
How You (un)See Us

How You (un)See Us

My name is José. I am Mexican. And, yes, I am undocumented. I understand that none of this might surprise you, as my name may suggest my nationality and my…
A false mist

A false mist
Un falso vaho

They hit him. First on the nose. Already on the floor, in the stomach, in the balls, in the spine. When they leave, he fumbles for the glasses. He puts…
Borges and the Chicanx

Borges and the Chicanx

Je suis ma fils mon père, ma mère et je suis moi. A. Artaud They asked the Chicano questions about Mexico, Cuba and the pop idol Ricky Martin. They asked…
The Mystery of Survival

The Mystery of Survival

When my mother left me in the Colonia La Gran María, I was ten years old, and I hated men. My stepfather had once told me that women were like…
Hitchens contra los héroes

Hitchens contra los héroes

                                      Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others Christopher Hitchens  …
We Were Always Here

We Were Always Here

CHAPTER ONE Running with the Rebels Desperately, the heavily armed guerrillas and I scaled a steep, verdant hill in northern Nicaragua. In withering afternoon heat, the very fatigued twenty-seven rebels,…