Search Results for: American Dirt

Eduardo Chirinos, in memoriam

Eduardo Chirinos, in memoriam

Igual que cualquier mala noticia, ésta me dio en el estómago y la sentí casi –y por decirlo así– como un golpe inmerecido. Creyendo que yo estaría enterada, Gerardo Cárdenas…
El nuevo western de Quentin Tarantino

El nuevo western de Quentin Tarantino

The Hateful Eight, el octavo filme de Quentin Tarantino, es un western. No es una secuela de Django Unchained (2013), su película anterior, como se creía antes de que se filtrara en…
The Afterlife of Cotton: Los algodones

The Afterlife of Cotton: Los algodones

It was the summer Latinos became the majority in California; the same summer Donald Trump championed a flagrant anti-immigrant—and more specifically: anti-Mexican—agenda in trying to gain the presidential nomination of…
Ghosting on the Río Grande

Ghosting on the Río Grande

      Lupita stands at the stove stirring a pot. She’s wearing a white Playtex bra, a terry cloth robe, and grey polyester pants with an elastic waistband. Her skin…
20 MAY

20 MAY

I woke up with a cold; my head kills me at times. I get by with aspirin, and that has allowed me to do many things today. I recall my…
Target in the NIGHT

Target in the NIGHT

It was a cool Sunday afternoon. Men from the farms and estancias from throughout the district lined up against the fence that separated the track from the surrounding houses. A…
The Best of Mexican Films in 2013

The Best of Mexican Films in 2013

Throughout 2013, Mexican films, even though irregular in their releases, proved to have regained some health. This year, the number of Mexican productions has grown significantly, and more importantly, the…
Ana Serrano: Salon of Beauty

Ana Serrano: Salon of Beauty

Judging a Neighborhood by Cover: Salon of Beauty by Ana Serrano Download Complete PDF / Descargar Ana Serrano’s latest work Salon of Beauty replicates the eclectic and funky buildings, façades and signage typically found…
Experience With Power

Experience With Power

Gwendolyn Díaz Ridgeway, Women and Power in Argentine Literature Austin, University of Texas Press.