An unwanted “Kiss” became the Tip of the Iceberg for a new Sport ME too movement in Spain
Un "beso" no deseado se convirtió en la punta del iceberg de un nuevo movimiento Me too en el deporte de España
Patricia Gras
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It has been all over the news. Spain’s women won the Soccer World Cup this year, an accomplishment that was overshadowed by what appears to be just a non consensual “kiss” but like most news of the day, it has come with a lack of context and a lot of distraction from actual facts.
The pundits are talking. The politicians are attacking. The corrupt are silent. The hypocrites are lying, the feminists are protesting, everyone has an opinion and the players, well, they are a bit fed up with their permanently corrupt Spanish soccer federation and demand changes. They are also angry the whole “kiss” scandal has taken away from their major achievement, winning a world cup!
The song goes, a kiss is just a kiss..well this case it was inappropriate and why is it considered sexual assault? Because anyone touching, fondling or kissing without your permission could be considered by law a sexual agression and in this case if Hermoso files charges. This was not a spontaneous acceptable kiss on a date. Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football federation performed a kiss to star player Jenni Hermoso without consent in front of millions, though he argues it was consensual. The world saw it does not appear to be. We can argue if the victim soccer star player Jenni Hermoso really felt assaulted or not due to the video Rubiales sent to FIFA to defend his actions because she seemed to be fine after the so called “kiss.” but that is not the point. Whatever emotions she felt after the kiss is irrelevant because her boss, the man who decides whether she plays in the national team or not, the man who can destroy her career has the power to do so kissed her without her permission and there is a clear power imbalance.
Ask yourself how many women or men tend to keep quiet when their boss who pays their salary harasses them in any way? In this case it is not what happened. Hermoso chose to defend herself after Rubiales failed to quit sizable salaried job because he blamed her for the “kiss.” His federation also threatened to sue her and other players protesting the Rubiales scandal. This may have turned more public opinion against him.
And the reaction in Spain and the world has been clear. Most agree what he did was wrong, he needs to go but those who favor Rubiales say it was just a “kiss” and he is being wrongfully attacked for political reasons or by “false feminists.” Surely if Jenni Hermoso was having a great time, and her teammates were laughing about the kiss in the bus after the cup ceremony, the kiss can not be considered sexual harassment, but it is. Is society exaggerating here by holding him accountable? Could be, but maybe this is not just about the “kiss” because there is a long history behind it and perhaps that is the context missing in many stories.
Here is one of the reasons the kiss is actually the tip of the iceberg and why Spanish society has been so disturbed and polarized over the matter. The Spanish soccer federation has a reputation for corruption, misogyny, nepotism, sexism and for being clueless, especially towards women. By the way, most federations in non industrialized nations have similar problems, but this is Spain, home to the best female soccer players in the world.
The female Spanish squad has been protesting with predatory behavior by men for decades. As a result many women lost their careers. It started with Ignacio Quereda, the coach who was in charge for 27 years. He led a culture of bullying, condescension and control. Finally in 2015 he resigned after a players mutiny but the federation never admitted any wrongdoing. He was replaced by another questionable character “nepo baby” Jorje Vilda, whose father Angel Vilda who was highly influential in Spanish soccer, helped him get the job, a charge he denies.
Last year in September 15 players in his squad, considered some of the best players, went on strike. They wanted better work conditions, accusing management of bad treatment that affected their mental and physical health. They also had concerns about the physical care and training they were getting. The response from the federation? Vilda called it “a farce on the world stage.” The federation then asked the women to apologize. “We refuse to accept any type of pressure from any player.” Ask for forgiveness if you want to return to the national team.” Many of them kept their ground. Only three were asked to join the world cup team. Seven refused to be considered at all.
When Luis Rubiales refused to step down after the scandal, Many in the federation clapped at the end of his speech defending himself, including Jorje Vilda and the Men’s national coach, but would they not possibly lose their high paying jobs if they didn’t support him? A few days later after public dissapproval these coaches changed their tune and attacked Rubiales.
This is why the players are asking for structural changes in the federation. There is no independent oversight.
Just as the me too movement in the USA, more women are now speaking out and more are listening. Tamara Ramos, a staff member for the Spanish Footballers association where Rubiales had been president said he commented on her underwear and spoke to her with disrespect during her tenure.
Juan Rubiales his uncle, left the federation after reports surfaced of Luis Rubiales role in federation super cup negotiations with Saudi Arabia that earned him a nice commission for doing so. He also stated his nephew needed a “reeducation in his relationship with women.”
Fifa has suspended him for 3 months, but the Spanish administrative sports court opened a “serious” but “not very serious “ breach of conduct investigation into the Spanish soccer chief for the kiss, which means for now, the government can not suspend him. Hermoso however, can still press charges.
Rubiales continues to defend himself, considers himself a victim of “social assassination” and insists the kiss was consensual. “Although information about this matter is being subjected to numerous manipulations, lies and censorship, the truth has only one path and that’s why I repeat, I trust justice will be served.”
Today Spain women’s football team refuse to play until he is fired. As for Jorje Vilda, his whole coaching team has quit. Finally, after weeks, the federation fired him.
The saga continues, but undoubtedly if the women stick to their decision not to play, it might be too much for Rubiales and the federation which now wants him to resign. On the other hand, if he remains in his post, what will the female players do? Should they get their own soccer federation?
A few days ago, Sarina Wiegman, the coach for the British Lionesses was chosen the best European coach of the year and with a touch of class expressed support for the Spanish women’s team. The team that beat her own team for the world cup. “The game has grown so much but there’s also still a long way to go in women’s football and in society. And I would like to dedicate this award to the Spanish team, who played such good football. This team deserves to be celebrated and listened to.”
Many have expressed what happened will eventually be good for women and the sport, but only if it forces proper change. So far, the female soccer players will have to wait, something unfortunately they are accustomed to doing. Rubiales may still be able to come back to his post despite their pleas for change.
So was this really just about an inappropriate kiss?
If you want to learn more about this issue, a 2021 documentary titled “Breaking the Silence” will shine a light with some details.
-Foto de jason charters en Unsplash
Patricia Gras is a seven-time Emmy Award-winning journalist. She is the founder and producer of the online series Passion Time.
©Literal Publishing. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta publicación. Toda forma de utilización no autorizada será perseguida con lo establecido en la ley federal del derecho de autor.
Las opiniones expresadas por nuestros colaboradores y columnistas son responsabilidad de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista de esta revista ni de sus editores, aunque sí refrendamos y respaldamos su derecho a expresarlas en toda su pluralidad. / Our contributors and columnists are solely responsible for the opinions expressed here, which do not necessarily reflect the point of view of this magazine or its editors. However, we do reaffirm and support their right to voice said opinions with full plurality.
Traducido por Ana Emilia Felker
Ha estado en todas las noticias. Las mujeres españolas ganaron la Copa del Mundo de Fútbol este año, un logro que se vio ensombrecido por lo que parece ser sólo un “beso” no consentido, pero como la mayoría de las noticias del día, ha llegado con una falta de contexto y mucha distracción de los hechos reales.
Los expertos hablan. Los políticos atacan. Los corruptos callan. Los hipócritas mienten, las feministas protestan, todo el mundo tiene una opinión y las jugadoras, bueno, están un poco hartas de la corrupta federación española de fútbol y exigen cambios. También están enfadadas, todo el escándalo del “beso” les ha quitado su mayor logro, ¡ganar un mundial!
Ya lo dice la canción, un beso es sólo un beso… pues no… en este caso fue inapropiado y ¿por qué se considera agresión sexual? Porque cualquiera que toque, caricia o beso sin consentimiento es considerado por la ley una agresión sexual. No fue un beso espontáneo aceptable en una cita. Luis Rubiales, presidente de la Real Federación Española de Futbol dio un beso a la jugadora estrella Jenni Hermoso sin consentimiento frente a millones de personas, aunque él argumenta que fue consentido. El mundo lo vio, no parece serlo. Podemos discutir si la estrella del futbol Jenni Hermoso se sintió realmente agredida o no debido al vídeo que Rubiales envió a la FIFA para defender sus acciones porque ella parecía estar bien después del llamado “beso”, pero esa no es la cuestión. Sean cuales sean las emociones que sintió después del beso es irrelevante porque su jefe, el hombre que decide si juega o no en la selección nacional, el hombre que puede destruir su carrera tiene el poder de besarla sin su permiso y ahí hay un claro desequilibrio de poder.
Cuántas mujeres u hombres tienden a callarse cuando el jefe que les paga el sueldo les acosa de alguna manera. En este caso no fue así. Hermoso optó por defenderse después de que Rubiales se rehusó a renunciar a su cuantioso salario porque la culpó del “beso”. Su federación también amenazó con demandarla a ella y a otras jugadoras que protestaban por el escándalo de Rubiales. Esto pudo haber provocado más opiniones públicas en su contra.
Y la reacción en España y en el mundo ha sido clara. La mayoría está de acuerdo en que lo que hizo Rubiales estuvo mal, que tiene que irse, pero los que están a su favor dicen que sólo fue un “beso” y que está siendo atacado injustamente por razones políticas o por “falsas feministas”. Seguramente si Jenni Hermoso se lo estaba pasando en grande, y sus compañeras se reían del beso en el autobús después de la ceremonia de la copa, el beso no puede ser considerado acoso sexual, pero lo es. ¿Está exagerando aquí la sociedad al pedir que se responsabilice? Podría ser, pero quizá no se trate sólo del “beso” porque hay una larga historia detrás y quizá ese sea el contexto lo que falta en muchas historias.
He aquí una de las razones por las que el beso es en realidad la punta del iceberg y por las que la sociedad española se ha visto tan perturbada y polarizada por este asunto. La federación española de futbol tiene fama de corrupta, misógina, nepotista, sexista y de ser ignorantes, especialmente con las mujeres. Por cierto, la mayoría de las federaciones de países no industrializados tienen problemas similares, pero esto es España, cuna de las mejores futbolistas del mundo.
El colectivo femenino español lleva décadas protestando contra el comportamiento depredador de los hombres. Como resultado, muchas mujeres perdieron sus carreras. Todo empezó con Ignacio Quereda, el entrenador que estuvo al mando durante 27 años. Lideró una cultura de intimidación, condescendencia y control. Finalmente, en 2015 dimitió tras un motín de las jugadoras, pero la federación nunca admitió ninguna falta. Fue sustituido por otro personaje cuestionable, el “nepo baby” Jorje Vilda, cuyo padre, Ángel Vilda, muy influyente en el futbol español, le ayudó a conseguir el puesto, acusación que él niega.
El año pasado, en septiembre, 15 jugadoras de su plantilla, consideradas algunas de las mejores futbolistas, se declararon en huelga. Querían mejores condiciones de trabajo, acusando a la dirección de malos tratos que afectaban a su salud mental y física. También les preocupaban los cuidados físicos y el entrenamiento que recibían. ¿La respuesta de la federación? Vilda la calificó de “farsa en el escenario mundial”. La federación pidió entonces a las mujeres que se disculparan. “Nos negamos a aceptar cualquier tipo de presión por parte de cualquier jugadora. Pidan perdón si quieren volver al equipo nacional”. Muchas de ellas se mantuvieron firmes. Sólo a tres se les pidió que se unieran al equipo mundialista. Siete se negaron a ser consideradas en lo absoluto.
Cuando Luis Rubiales se negó a dimitir tras el escándalo, muchos en la federación aplaudieron al final de su discurso defendiéndose a sí mismo, incluidos Jorje Vilda y el entrenador nacional del equipo masculino, pero ¿no era posible que perdieran sus empleos bien pagados si no lo apoyaban? Pocos días después, tras la indignación pública, estos entrenadores cambiaron de tono y atacaron a Rubiales.
Por eso las jugadoras piden cambios estructurales en la federación. No existe una supervisión independiente.
Al igual que el movimiento “me too” en Estados Unidos, cada vez son más las mujeres que alzan la voz y más las que escuchan. Tamara Ramos, empleada de la Asociación de Futbolistas Españoles, de la que Rubiales fue presidente, declaró que durante su mandato le hizo comentarios sobre su ropa interior y le faltó al respeto.
Juan Rubiales, su tío, dejó la federación después de que salieran a la luz informes sobre el papel de Luis Rubiales en las negociaciones de la supercopa de la federación con Arabia Saudí, que le valieron una buena comisión por ello. También declaró que su sobrino necesitaba una “reeducación en su relación con las mujeres”.
La FIFA lo ha suspendido durante 3 meses, pero el Tribunal Administrativo del Deporte español abrió una investigación por infracción “grave” pero “no muy grave” contra el jefe del futbol español por el beso, lo que significa que, por ahora, el gobierno no puede suspenderlo. Hermoso, sin embargo, aún puede presentar cargos.
Rubiales sigue defendiéndose, se considera víctima de un “asesinato social” e insiste en que el beso fue consentido. “Aunque la información sobre este asunto está siendo objeto de numerosas manipulaciones, mentiras y censuras, la verdad sólo tiene un camino y por eso, repito, confío en que se haga justicia”.
Hoy la Selección femenina de fútbol de España se niega a jugar hasta que sea despedido. En cuanto a Jorje Vilda, todo su equipo de coaches ha dimitido. Sigue siendo el seleccionador, pero su situación es delicada.
La saga continúa, pero sin duda, si las mujeres mantienen su decisión de no jugar, podría ser demasiado para Rubiales y la federación, que ahora quiere que dimita. Por otra parte, si sigue en su puesto, ¿qué harán las jugadoras? ¿Deberían crear su propia federación de fútbol?
Hace unos días, Sarina Wiegman, la entrenadora de las Leonas británicas, fue elegida mejor entrenadora europea del año y, con un toque de clase, expresó su apoyo a la selección femenina española. El equipo que derrotó al suyo en la Copa del Mundo. “El fútbol ha crecido mucho, pero también queda mucho camino por recorrer en el fútbol femenino y en la sociedad. Y me gustaría dedicar este premio a la selección española, que ha jugado tan buen fútbol. Este equipo merece ser celebrado y escuchado”.
Muchos han expresado que lo sucedido acabará siendo bueno para las mujeres y el deporte, pero sólo si obliga a un cambio apropiado. De momento, las futbolistas tendrán que esperar, algo a lo que desgraciadamente están acostumbradas. Es posible que Rubiales aún pueda volver a su puesto a pesar de sus súplicas de cambio.
Entonces, ¿se trató realmente sólo de un beso inapropiado?
Si quiere saber más sobre este asunto, un documental de 2021 titulado “Breaking the Silence” arrojará luz con algunos detalles.
-Foto de jason charters en Unsplash
Patricia Gras is a seven-time Emmy Award-winning journalist. She is the founder and producer of the online series Passion Time.
©Literal Publishing. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta publicación. Toda forma de utilización no autorizada será perseguida con lo establecido en la ley federal del derecho de autor.
Las opiniones expresadas por nuestros colaboradores y columnistas son responsabilidad de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista de esta revista ni de sus editores, aunque sí refrendamos y respaldamos su derecho a expresarlas en toda su pluralidad. / Our contributors and columnists are solely responsible for the opinions expressed here, which do not necessarily reflect the point of view of this magazine or its editors. However, we do reaffirm and support their right to voice said opinions with full plurality.
The simple correct action would have been for Rubiales to say “I am so sorry, I got carried away by the emotions of a well deserved victory” and then offer his resignation. Why is it now the fault of the women who, all they did was bring victory and pride to Spanish soccer?
Excellent article, going beyond the surface. It’s beyond time to take women’s rights, which are human rights, seriously. Right on, Ms. Gras!
Patricia, thank you. This is a very good article. It makes us to reflect that there is great need to educate. Your lines made me to reflect if in my own life experience or of the others l know exist a form of abuse. Definitely, it is extremely important for everyone to learn what should be the ideal way to behave in our society. We need to break old paradigms and establish lines of respect within each other.
As the writer says, context is very important to understand the meaning of what happened and the reaction world wide to it!
This article explains very clearly the real implications of an apparent “innocent” kiss, from the legal as well as the social standpoint.
Excellent approach to a highly controversial issue. Very well written.
I was born in 1972, In the middle of important battles to get finally equality between men and women. I was convinced that we would reach it at least in western countries. Unfortunately I was too optimistic. I am so sorry to see that we haven’t yet been able to overcome the macho culture.
This article provided insights and perspectives that helped me see the bigger picture beyond the kiss. It also showed that sadly, we have a long way to go before women get the equality and respect we deserve, as well as men understanding the proper boundaries.
It’s a shame their hugely remarkable celebration was overshadowed by such a violation and tasteless act. I only pray the team has felt some vindication and sense of relief to know he’s out.
Excellent article, it says exactly what is happening with the female spanish soccer team and the federation. Looks like finally Justice won and now Mr Rubiales and Mr Vilda are out. Again thanks for this very well centered, clear and well written article.
Excellent article
It’s a shame that we have still these situations again women happening.
Great article on the subject! Gras clearly articulates the power dynamics behind the “kiss” and really shows support for the truth that what happened was considered harassment and it is the tip of the iceberg to poor ethics in the Spanish Soccer Federation. I like how this article takes on a historical perspective of the women before Hermoso and how they lost their careers in going against harassment and speaking out. As well as highlighting the unrepentant behavior of the Spanish federation.
Brilliant observations, Patricia. Insightful and concise.
I completely agree with the author’s perspective on this issue. The incident involving the Spanish women’s soccer team and the non-consensual “kiss” is indeed far more than just a simple act. It symbolizes a broader problem within the Spanish soccer federation, which has a long history of corruption, misogyny, and a lack of respect for women in the sport.
The argument that this was just a harmless kiss is misguided. Consent is paramount in any interaction, and when it’s violated, it becomes a matter of sexual assault. The power imbalance between Luis Rubiales, the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, and star player Jenni Hermoso cannot be overlooked. Regardless of Hermoso’s immediate reaction, Rubiales’s actions were inappropriate and unacceptable.
Moreover, this incident is not isolated but rather a reflection of a deeply ingrained culture of mistreatment and discrimination against female soccer players in Spain. The federation’s response to players’ concerns and protests in the past, such as labeling their legitimate demands as a “farce on the world stage,” demonstrates a clear lack of respect for women’s rights and well-being in the sport.
It’s encouraging to see the Spanish women’s football team taking a stand against this injustice by refusing to play until Rubiales is fired. The fact that the coaching team also resigned in solidarity shows the depth of the problem within the federation. It’s high time for structural changes and independent oversight to ensure a fair and respectful environment for female soccer players in Spain.
This incident serves as a stark reminder that the issues facing women in sports are not limited to a single “kiss” but are indicative of systemic problems that need to be addressed. It is my hope that this situation leads to real change, not just within Spanish soccer but also as a broader catalyst for improving women’s rights and opportunities in sports worldwide.
Very good article! It shows a lot about how things need to be improved within women’s football. Very good contribution!
La lucha del feminismo que va ocupando todos los espacios, y que también muestra lo que todavía le queda por delante. Particularmente en los ámbitos más machistas como sigue siendo el fútbol. Excelente artículo Paty! Congrats. Vamos por esos cambios estructurales
So important for these words to be said… Thank you for helping the world digest what happened in Spanish Soccer over the last few weeks!
I would like to thank everyone who has commented on this article. I appreciate it. I am a proponent of giving context to whatever story I write. This is an ongoing story. Update is that both Coach Jorje Vilda has been fired and Luis Rubiales finally resigned. The women will be coached by second in command Montse, and Jeni Hermoso has filed a legal complaint.