Literature /literatura
Film /cine

Leaving the Party

Leaving the Party

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign memoir is currently the 5th bestselling title on Amazon US. Its title, What Happened?, could also be given to Sally Potter’s thrilling new film The…
Locarno, 70 años de amor al cine

Locarno, 70 años de amor al cine

El histórico festival de cine suizo,  considerado de forma unánime como uno de los festivales más antiguos y prestigiosos del mundo, celebra hoy su 70 aniversario lleno de fuerza, pero…
Towards Faces

Towards Faces

In her new film Visages, Villages (2017), co-directed with artist JR, Agnès Varda speaks on the voice-over of going “vers de visages,” towards faces. The documentary travels with Varda and…
The Big Sick

The Big Sick

Two of the most common and inexcusable offenses a movie can commit are not trying hard enough or trying too hard; overextending and lessening the film’s impact as a result.…
Becoming Who I Was

Becoming Who I Was

I try not to miss the Seattle International Film Festival every year, but I’m not always so lucky. This year, I was. I saw Becoming Who I Was (2017), directed…
A Date for Mad Mary

A Date for Mad Mary

Just like many of the films from the Seattle International Film Festival, A Date for Mad Mary (2016) was an expected, yet pleasant surprise. Written by brothers Darren and Colin…


Alien (1979), de Ridley Scott, es una película que tuvo la virtud del momento. El ambiente de asfixia y terror de un letal monstruo polizonte que dedica su tiempo libre…
Light, Writing

Light, Writing

It’s a cliché to say that cinematography means ‘writing with light’ – and equally a cliché to say that one of the things cinema struggles with most is showing writers…
Distopía feminista: The Handmaid’s Tale

Distopía feminista: The Handmaid’s Tale

El lanzamiento en la plataforma digital Hulu de la serie de TV de diez capítulos basada en la hoy clásica novela de la canadiense Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale –editada…
El hombre que cayó a la tierra

El hombre que cayó a la tierra

El hombre que cayó a la tierra (y pasó de largo como un tren con horario) El problema no es la selva oscura con la que te topas cuando cumples…